Does Domino’s Pizza offer Police Officers and Families Discount?
At the moment there is no specific discount for the police community. However you can get 50% off during certain times of the year. Police and Emergency services can also get 50% off when you do click and collect at certain locations through UK. Check with your local store for this particular offer.
Domino’s Pizza are franchise outlets all over the UK. Most Police Staff know what Domino’s has to offer, but do you know where the best Domino’s discounts can be found? Each shop will have a different approach to how they deal with discounts and what is on offer.
There are lots of stores in London, for example, that offer Police Discount and they all vary in how much discount is available. We recently contacted Domino’s they appear to be in the process of arranging an emergency services discount throughout the country. To have one single approach on how they deal with Domino’s Police Discount and other emergency staff.
So what Dominos’ stores have you been to that offer Police discount? Where are they located? Why not write a quick comment below for all to see the best locations. This post is viewed very often by Police Staff from all over the UK and we need to share the knowledge and let others be aware!
Have you got Alexa in your house? There is a new skill which when enabled allows you to speak to Alexa and order pizza straight to your door! This seems like a great idea, especially after a hard day in work and you could just come home and shout at Alexa to order a pizza. Could anything make you more happier?
Dominos Police Discount?
You can get 50% discount at certain Dominos stores across the UK. It all depends on your local domino’s store and what there management offer. The easiest way to find out is ring, most places normally ask for valid ID (warrant card etc) on collection to validate the discount.