CoP App


All Police Officers in England and Wales are bound by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Codes of Practice – sometimes referred to as PACE or the PACE Codes of Practice.

This App contains the latest version of Codes A to H having broken them down into individual Codes, sections, paragraphs, notes for guidance and annexes.

As well as being able to find a paragraph by Code and Section there is also a very detailed index so you can search for all paragraphs that contain a specific word or words.

When a paragraph is displayed which has a reference to another paragraph then the reference is listed under a ‘see also’ heading and clicking on the reference will take you to the paragraph in question.

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Steve Jones
Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I set up this website in 2012. I am an Ex-Police Officer with over 17 years experience in various departments, posted to some of the roughest places in UK. I initially set up the website during a time of big change in the Police Service. Police Pension, Pay and conditions had been compromised. I really wanted the wider Police Community to save money and I found that I could use this website to find deals relevant for the Police, for example, Police Boots and equipment. Since then the Website has continued to grow and I hope that the Police Family continue to save money from these exclusive deals and promotions. Free free to contact me via email, or take a look at my Linkdin profile.

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