Advance Training’s Computerised Study Kit has been successfully used by tens of thousands of UK Police Officers over the last 17 years to pass their multiple choice exams – whether this is for the OSPRE Promotion exams to Sergeant and Inspector, the National Investigators Exam to get into CID or an assessment for probationer officers as part of the IPLDP.
This App comes with 150 questions and answers from the next OSPRE Part 1 Exam which you can answer on your iPhone or iPad.
If you have purchased Advance Training’s Computerised Study Kit software for your computer you can use this App to answer all the available questions from your registered product. The App synchronises via the cloud so you can get up to date Progress and Weakest Subjects information on your computer.
You do not need a live internet connection to answer the questions. Just load up your iPad or iPhone with a set of questions using your wireless network at home, take your device with you to work, answer questions when you have chance and when you return home your scores will be uploaded.