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Get the new Mobile Phone App for our website – Police Discount Offers. The Mobile App offers something different, it gives you quick and easy access to all the offers on the website through your mobile device. You will be able to all the latest offers and deals or browse through our extensive list of offers.

The Police Discount App is designed to allows us to send you notifications of all the latest news, offers and deals. The main menu also gives you access to our facebook and twitter accounts.

All the deals link back to our main website for you to get the full information on individual offers. So download it today and have instant access to hundreds of deals!

Police Discount Offers App
Police Discount Offers App
Get the new Police Discount Offers App for Android on your Mobile Device. Please note - You will have to let your device install from unknown location.
Police Discount Offers Iphone App
Police Discount Offers Iphone App
Get the new Police Discount Offers App for IPHONE / IPAD on your Mobile Device.

The App is also available from Amazon.com >>> Button


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Steve Jones
Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I set up this website in 2012. I am an Ex-Police Officer with over 17 years experience in various departments, posted to some of the roughest places in UK. I initially set up the website during a time of big change in the Police Service. Police Pension, Pay and conditions had been compromised. I really wanted the wider Police Community to save money and I found that I could use this website to find deals relevant for the Police, for example, Police Boots and equipment. Since then the Website has continued to grow and I hope that the Police Family continue to save money from these exclusive deals and promotions. Free free to contact me via email, or take a look at my Linkdin profile.

Police Discount Offers