Police Discount Offers bring you these Kevlar Lined Police Duty Gloves. The product description states “LG7 is practically slash resistant” which means that they are suitable for Officers to wear on duty. The Police Glove itself has Kevlar sown into the glove which offers greater level of cut resistant than other similar gloves.
This sort of kit is something that Police are not routinely issued with, but they should! Plus with all these cutbacks, your not going to get issued anytime soon! So why not look out for number one and protect yourself and get a pair of these Cut resistant gloves for less than £10.00. A bargain price to stop you from being injured on duty!
If you are looking for a more heavy duty police glove, then we have various other option on our website which can be found in our equipment section or you can take a look these Protec Police Gloves.