Expires 30/09/2025
Tough Mudder is 10 miles of mud and 20 best-in-class obstacles designed to drag you out of your comfort zone. With no podiums, winners, or clocks to race against, Tough Mudder isn’t about how fast you can cross the finish line.
It’s about pushing yourself — and your team — to discover what you’re really made of. It’s about teamwork, camaraderie, and accomplishing something extraordinary. So challenge yourself. Find more in the mud. Discover Tougher Together.
The TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring, spirit-crushing road race. It’s Ironman meets Burning Man.
Tough Mudder as the name suggest is simply a mud run hardcore. Is was initially designed by the British force. It is usually designated to enable people to test their stamina, strength, mental ability and teamwork.
The obstacle usually has six categories of courses which include: Arena, Open Range, Mountain, Backwood, off-road and also muscle. The website deal with all around mental and physical fitness.
The team that is allocated for the job is well trained and dedicated to offering quality service, tough mudder, and the team is team-oriented with no winner, no loser, no finisher medal and no clock to race against.
They provide a cold beer and some few scrapes from any day spent outside the everyday work, a day spent with the team. The website toughmudder.com is for all and anyone who has followed, tried to defy gravity are taken as risk takers and are provided with tough mudder discount.
Never miss a great Tough Mudder coupon and get our best coupons every week!
Getting Fit for Tough Mudder
If you are in the police or looking to join, this event is a great way to get focused and achieve awesome fitness results. Once you complete this course you certainly will mash any police fitness test and the police bleep test will become a breeze (when you only need to acheive level 5.4).
Just make sure you put plenty of effort in training and getting fit for this very difficult fitness course. You can find lots of fitness timetables on the internet to get you going and setting you in the right direction of completing the Tough Mudder.
Get out of the office and into the mud with your co-workers while enjoying exclusive on-site perks. Depending on the corporate package you select you can receive preferred start times, extra beers, and even private team tents with customised signage. Say goodbye to trust falls and hello to the single greatest team building event you’ve ever experienced.